Ice Out! Marg and Dave McLeod from Howey Bay Resorts & Outposts report Mother Nature is doing an excellent job of getting Red Lake ready for eager resort owners, boaters, and anglers.
Situated at the east end of Red Lake, usually Howey Bay is pretty stubborn about giving up its wintry grip, but it is now mostly clear, with operators of fly-in outposts already beginning to move their planes out of storage and into the bay, a busy hub of flying traffic all season long.
Early ice out can be a good thing on Red Lake for both residents and fish alike. According to Marg there’s nothing worse than waiting for the lake to clear in the third week of May; those late ice stories in the coffee shop can only be repeated so many times! With an earlier than usual ice out, owner/operators of fly-in outposts can get a jump on preseason work, making sure their cabins are ready for the first visitors of the season. An early spring also gives walleyes an opportunity to spawn before the season opener, insuring a strong class of fish for the future.
Ice out predictions in Red Lake pools usually range from April 10 to the 21st, but locals this year are eyeing April 17 or 18 as probable hot tickets for the cash prizes.
Photo: Dave Mcleod and Lorne Marks give nature a hand in breaking up the ice in Howey Bay. Great to be on the water again!